The strangest potted plants in the world – take a look!

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Nowadays, almost any plant can be bought in a florist or specialty store, but the world of plants is so vast and diverse that it will probably never cease to amaze you with new forms of its representatives. In this article, we have collected the most interesting potted plants, which with their appearance and features stun even experienced flower growers

Tillandsia cyanea (blue braid)

Tillandsia cyanea is a member of the Bromelia family. The original pink spike-shaped inflorescence is sure to appeal to lovers of the exotic. The delicate lilac-purple flowers appear on it in autumn. It grows very slowly. The temperature range in which this plant feels comfortable is from 18 ° C to 25 ° C. It is best to provide it with light partial shade, water it moderately and spray it with water from time to time. High humidity must be constantly maintained – this is one of the main conditions for growth. When planting, the soil mix must include high peat with crushed bark and leafy soil with charcoal. If you choose a different planting mix, the tangles may grow poorly or not at all.

Segmented oriole (Euphоrbia tirucаlli)

Lovers of exotics will not remain indifferent to this home unique plant, the appearance and name of which suggests that it comes from dry, hot places. At home, Euphorbia tirucalli shows an easy-to-grow disposition, grows in a soil mixture for succulents and can reach a height of 2 meters with minimal care.

A distinctive feature of the plant is the fleshy stems, virtually devoid of leaves, painted with shades of pink and orange at the tips. The flowers of the segmented orchid are very small, greenish and discreet. The small leaves are located at the tips of the branches and are the same bright colors. The pot for growing Euphorbia should not be large – otherwise the orichalcum will grow poorly. Watering should be done quite rarely, and there is no need to spray this plant. Wolfsbane feels perfectly in a bright place or in partial shade. In the sun, the stems will be slightly yellowish, in the shade – their green will be more intense.

Smooth marigold

Smooth marigarbia is a plant with beautiful small, green and glossy leaves.

It blooms from spring to late autumn with bright orange flowers of an unusual shape. Dry air and changes of temperature are unacceptable during its cultivation. When the temperature drops, the growth of the plant slows down. Air and soil humidity should be normal, watering should be limited in winter. It likes bright places (it feels best in direct sunlight). The temperature in the room should be moderate, and in winter low: 12 – 15 °C.

Madagascar palm – Pachypodium

Many potted plant connoisseurs are familiar with this spectacular plant, popularly known as the Palm of Madagascar. Pachypodium’s flowers certainly cannot be called modest. Snow-white or, more rarely, yellow flowers, like a crown, crown a rosette of tough leaves on a swollen stem covered with long thorns. This plant of the dry plains loves light all year round. In the summer it needs regular and abundant watering, and in the winter its growth slows and rests. Like other succulents, pachypodium is fussy.


There are many varieties of thicket, many of which have caught the interest of flower growers and have long been cultivated as ornamental houseplants. The fleshy structure of this plant allows it to store enough moisture for the thicket to survive drought. These plants can do without nutrient-rich soil, do not have a distinct dormancy period, and bloom like the popular pennyroyal, which means rarely. They reproduce vegetatively. At the same time, they are simple to grow, easily coexist with succulents and delight owners for a long time with their bright shades and bizarre shapes.


Like an alien from horror movies, this amazing potted plant reveals small but numerous and toothy traps to catch flies and spiders. An insect falling into the trap contributes to its closure so that the flower can digest and assimilate its prey. This plant is interesting not only to grow but also to observe, but this flower requires high humidity and soil, as well as a well-lit location with access to a little shade.

Common Lantana

Lantana is a beautiful shrub native to Africa and South America and comes from the Verbenov family. At home, this plant is appreciated for its amazing multicolored inflorescences, combining crowns of yellow, orange, purple, crimson and other hues. Small tubular flowers gathered in dense caps change color, so the bush, up to one and a half meters tall, is constantly changing. Thus, flowering continues from May until the very autumn. This plant has bright, slightly rough jagged leaves and branched stems that form a spreading and wide crown. In a pot, lantana can be grown as a shrub or formed into a small, graceful tree.

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