Storing vegetables. How to store vegetables to keep them fresh?

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For many, fresh vegetables and fruits are staples used in the kitchen. This is especially evident in summer, when we have seasonality, and all kinds of cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, beans and other products are available at every turn from native farms. However, we have problems with keeping these products fresh and not wasting them.

Properly stored vegetables can retain their freshness, excellent taste, and texture for a long time. Only the eternal question remains: then what does this proper storage look like? And here the answer may not satisfy everyone, because unfortunately it very often depends on the type of vegetable, as well as the capabilities we have. Often it is necessary to prepare them additionally, which can also be troublesome. Here’s a list of our patents for storing vegetables in such a way that they taste as if we brought them from the market or garden a moment ago.

First of all: Check!

Even before you start the process of preparing and storing vegetables, it’s a good idea to inspect them carefully in the store, at the market or after bringing them from our garden. Unfortunately, even the best storage patents won’t work if you bring home a spoiled or over-ripe product that is not full-fledged and has no chance to retain all its properties. When a cucumber or tomato is too soft and almost falls apart in your hands, you can be sure that if you don’t eat it the same day, the next day it won’t be good for anything. The same will be true of bruised vegetables or those with a grayish coating, which is the beginning of mold. Unwashed and uncleaned vegetables also store better, such as carrots or parsley with a bit of soil on the root will stay fresh longer than its washed counterpart.

Second: Prepare!

As we mentioned earlier, vegetables will stay good longer if they are not washed beforehand. Importantly, it’s best not to cut them into pieces, as these can quickly dry out. In the case of carrots or parsley, it’s a good idea to remove the root and store only the root in a cool place. Keep asparagus, parsley, dill or celery in the refrigerator wrapped in a damp paper towel – that way they won’t wilt. The situation will be similar with lettuce, kale or spinach, but we recommend washing these before putting them in the refrigerator. Remember also that the place where the vegetables are stored is important. In the refrigerator there are specially designated areas or drawers for this purpose, with appropriate markings.

Third: Store!

Most vegetables feel comfortable in the low temperatures that refrigerators and coolers provide. These include peppers, cauliflower, parsley or any green vegetables. However, you must remember that this is not a golden rule. For example, potatoes will do better in a cabinet under the sink in a dark place. The chill of the refrigerator will make garlic soft, while tomatoes will lose their flavor. Also, onions will feel better in a basket on the cabinet. Pumpkins, zucchini, eggplant or cucumbers can also be left on the counter.

Fourth: Don’t put vegetables next to fruit!

This is the last, but very important rule. Ethylene produced in fruits makes vegetables ripen faster and, as a result, spoil. It is better to avoid this.

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